I have been on an emotional rollercoaster lately. I feel like I am becoming the woman that the little girl me would have been proud of. I don’t have the job and life accomplishments per se, but I am gaining this sense of self like I’ve never had before. I am becoming comfortable in my own skin. I feel like I no longer have to try and fit in with “the crowd” simply to not be alone. Today was a perfect example of me standing on my own. I felt a little alienated from a group of friends. I tried to strike up conversation, but no one seemed to bite the bait and run with it. It really upset me. We did a benefit walk and were walking alongside each other and I was upset. I decided to pick up the pace and actually be by myself. I walked alone. I “inhaled love and exhaled hate” a few times. I recognized why I was there. I was there for a cause. It wasn’t for the friends. I didn’t need them to complete my mission. I didn’t feel anxiety. I was still a little upset, but I felt proud as I held my head high and walked alone. It seems really simply and miniscule, but it can be applied to much bigger things.

Of course, I second guess myself still. However, at the end of the day, I try to tell myself that I am exactly where I need to be. There is no other path I should be on. No matter how good or bad, this is the EXACT moment that I am supposed to be in. It is making me a better person. It really resonates with and calms me. I am learning every day. I may not want a “test” to be thrown my way. Those “tests” make knock me on my ass, but as long as I recognize them and not ignore them, then I am succeeding.

I have had so much anxiety about a very near event in my life. I have been worrying and stressing. I have been crying. I have been writing. I have been begging and pleading to whomever might be “out there.” What it really comes down to is that whatever is meant to happen is going to happen. I cannot control the situation. I cannot try to manipulate the outcome. All I can do is be true to who I am, be comfortable with that truth, and have peace because of it. Things are how they are. I don’t have to justify myself. I don’t have to defend myself. I also don’t have to let someone make me feel bad because of decisions I have made or things that have happened to me, good or bad. People can choose to come and stay in my life or they can choose to leave. I will not lose myself because they choose to leave. I am just as much me before them and during them as I will be after. When they leave, they don’t take my character or integrity.

I read something once that said, “if there is no enemy within, the enemy beyond can do no harm.” If I have true peace within myself, the outside world cannot disrupt that. I have to trust myself and my judgement. I am good. I want to do good. When you truly accept yourself, you no longer need the acceptance of others to validate you. It’s a very empowering and peaceful feeling. I am realizing these things tonight and I am trusting my own intuition.


4 thoughts on “I Have to Trust Myself

  1. I have been through so many “phases” in my life. No matter how hard I tried to fit in, I could never be like whoever it was that I wanted to be at the time. Finally somewhere along the way, I just started living, and I transformed into something that finally bloomed outward. That is what you’ve done too ❤ You should be proud of achieving what some never fathom in their lifetime. There are those who never grasp the concept of being themselves. Trusting is not easy, and especially sometimes trusting even myself. You are brave and that speaks for itself. Trusting in yourself is then most definitely the key 🙂

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